Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Years Eve: Atlantic City Style!

I’m sure everyone out there has a ridiculous New Years Eve story.  It kind of just goes with the territory.  There’s lot’s of drinking involved, high expectations, and usually a lot of money being spent by everyone.  Sometimes that combination, particularly if some do all three and others only do two, can be deadly.  Or hilarious and ridiculous.  Let me explain.

My girlfriends and I, Amanda, Ruby and Kim to be specific, went to Atlantic City for New Years Eve.  So we already hit the high expectations factor.  Now don’t worry, all of our expectations were met and we had an incredible time.  However because we were in Atlantic City, everyone there had high expectations for the evening as well.

I think that the drinking factor doesn’t need to be explained.  Free drinks on the casino floor + 23 year olds who are seniors in college + my wild girlfriends = many, many drinks.  However we managed to avoid the third factor.  Incredibly we spent very, very little money considering where we were.  The bar we went to, Game On!, same owners as the one in Boston, had two deals.  We could have spent $100 + per person on table service, or $25 per person that included two drinks.  We decided that between pre-gaming and free casino drinks, paying the extra $75 wasn’t worth it.  Other people, as you will find out, did not come to such a logical solution.

After a few hours of dancing and being on our feet in general, we needed a break and wanted to sit.  We spotted an empty table.  And when I say empty, I don’t just mean void of people.  All other tables had bottles of liquor on it, cups, and party favors.  This table literally had nothing on it.  So we naturally assumed it wasn’t occupied, as tables in bars occasionally are.

Within 2 minutes a very drunk girl comes stumbling over to use in a sloppy rage, yelling incoherently about it was HER table.  She demanded we get up.  After laughing at her for a moment because of how ridiculous the entire situation was, we did oblige and left the table.  There was a table right next to it that was equally empty that we decided to sit in instead.  This didn't go over well with the girl also because as it turns out, it was also her table.  So after we laughed some more, she told us, "I paid over $400 for these two tables, so get up!!"  Our response, which only served to make her more angry, was, "Well, that was stupid."  Not the brightest thing we've ever said to an already angry drunk girl, but pretty funny.

So as her rage built her boyfriend came over to defend her honor.  And Ruby turned to him, and said every so sweetly, "You're girlfriend is a bitch."  As you can imagine, this did not help the situation.  After a bit more laughing on our part and yelling on their part we decided it was time to go back to gambling in the casinos.

Overall, very successful New Years Eve.  We won some money, drank some drinks, got into a fight, and did a lot of laughing.

So remember, everyone is ridiculous, including drunk bitches who pay too much for tables.