Friday, February 12, 2010

Really, realtors? Really!?

As anyone who lives in Boston knows the time of year people start looking for their new apartments is January - February. My roommates and I have (sadly) decided not to stay in the wonderful place we've called home the last 2 years. Unfortunately for us, that means realtors and the potential new renters are constantly in and out of here.

We have a few simple rules the realtors have to abide by, since we are living here still, and they just can't seem to get them right. 1) Please call us before you come over. This is important because sometimes only one of us is home. And if we know a realtor is coming at six, we will shower before or after they get here. Otherwise they may show up, knock, us not hear them because we are in the shower, and then they let themselves in with a bunch of strangers. (This actually happened to one of my roommates.) Uncool realtors!!! 2) Turn off the lights when leaving. I know it seems strange that someone would not do this, but multiple times we have come home to all of the lights being on in the house. I'm sorry, are you paying our electric bill this month? 3) Close the door when you first walk in. I can't tell you how many times I open the door to let them in, and they don't close it behind them. So, I guess you are paying our heat in addition to our electric?

If all this isn't ridiculous enough, they also lie. A lot. This I would say is the only upside to having them constantly be in our home. We get to hear the ridiculous stuff they tell their potential renters, and then call them out on it. Or laugh at them. Whatever. It's fun for us.

So there are my two favorite insane realtor lies. We have on realtor who comes here almost everyday. He is AWFUL. Like, truly a terrible realtor. So he's bringing in this one group of girls and he's not a very good salesperson. Our apartment is really nice, it pretty much sells itself. So they make a comment on the paint (we painted our living room purple, it's pretty cool) and how nice it is. The realtor starts going on and on and on about how the landlord had professional painters come in and do it whatever color we want. Also tells them that he might do it for them too if they wanted a different color. We're all literally sitting there while he says this, slack jawed at the lies he's spewing. Finally we speak up and are just like, uuuh WE painted this. Give credit where credit is due damnit!!! But really, we just wanted to call him out on lying. Of course he back pedaled to the girls, but it was kind of hilarious.

Then the same realtor comes back with a different group the next week. Now we are all just waiting for the next set of lies. He does tell the new group that we did the painting, thank God we don't have to call him out on that again. Now I guess this group only had 3 people, and it' a 4 bedroom apartment. So instead of him telling them to maybe find a 4th person because it's such a great find, he went another route. He starts going on and on about how the 4th bedroom is basically its own apartment, and they can sublet it like that.

Now the 4th bedroom he's talking about is a nice room, no doubt about it. It's upstairs so it's a lot more private. But it's just a bedroom. Like, no bathroom attached, no kitchen or anything like that. I have no idea what he meant by subletting it as it's own apartment!!! Unless you don't have any needs aside from a place to sleep, it's definitely not it's own apartment. We all kind of just laughed at him when he said that, and let them go on their way.

Unfortunately our apartment is still not rented, and we are now just waiting for someone to come along. Until then, we'll try and reinforce our rules, and laugh at amateur realtors.

So remember, everyone is ridiculous, including lying salesmen.

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