Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You can have your cake and eat it too, but you can't eat other people's icing!

So this story was from a while ago, but it was extraordinarily ridiculous so it deserved to get a spot on the blog. It was one of my girlfriends birthdays, and we decided that instead of everyone spending lot's of money by going out to dinner we would cook for everyone (then spend out hard earned money at the bars - where it's meant to be spent).

So my roommate Amanda and I made a lasagna, salad, and appetizers for 15 people. But the piece de resistance was a beautiful cake we baked, double layered with icing of course. We enjoy cooking and entertaining so this wasn't a problem at all. Everyone was having a good time eating, drinking and socializing before we hit the bars. There was no ridiculous to report until we decided to sing Happy Birthday and break out that gorgeous cake.

Let me preface this by saying that no one sounds good when they sing Happy Birthday, but no one is supposed to. It's not about sounding good, it's about making your friend that you're singing to uncomfortable and embarrassed. So it's noticeable when someone singing is making a significant effort to sound good. By singing opera style for example.

Again, it wouldn't have been anything ridiculous if this person was joking, and singing opera style in a terrible way. Unfortunately this person was a trained opera singer, singing her annoying heart out, upstaging everyone (including the birthday girl) and in general being ridiculous.

But the fun doesn't stop there. If it was just the singing I doubt it would have been blog worthy. This girl happened to be a vegetarian. When we first sent out invitations for the gathering she said she wasn't coming, so we didn't bother making a vegetarian dish. To her credit she didn't make a big deal out of it. But I would have rather her thrown a fit than do what she ended up doing.

So post ridiculous singing, we cut slices of cake and it was a pretty typical birthday scene. All of a sudden we notice that while there is still half a cake left, there is no icing left. The opera girl literally ate ALL OF THE ICING OFF OF THE CAKE. Who does that??? Take another piece if you want more!! Not only did she remove the icing off of the cake to the point where no one would want any more (what's the point of cake with no icing?) but she also USED HER FINGERS to eat the icing. She literally dragged her finger across the cake taking the icing, licked the icing off of her finger, and put her spit covered finger BACK ON THE CAKE.

This is not acceptable behavior. Not at a birthday party, not at someone's house, not ever. Keep your ridiculous, yucky habits confined to your own cake. Bleh.

So remember, everyone is ridiculous, including opera singing, vegetarian eating, icing thieves.

Additionally this video is from that night. While the entire video is entertaining, what you really want is at the 1:18 mark. It's at this point that my friend Mischa points out how the icing was eaten off the cake, it shows the cake, and it showcases her (and everyone else's) displeasure at this event occurring. Enjoy!

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