Monday, December 7, 2009

A Not So Merry Christmas Adventure

This tale is a rather innocent one, however still amusing.  I like it because it happened recently AND it pretty much sums up how my friends and I get into trouble whether we try to or not.  This past weekend my roommates (Julie, Dee and Megan) and myself decided it was time to have some holiday cheer in our apartment and decorate for Christmas.  Well the piece de resistance is obviously the tree, so we set out Saturday morning to find the perfect one.  Spoiler alert, this story does not end like "A Charlie Brown Christmas," sorry to all the fans of pathetic, barren trees.

We venture to our neighborhood tree seller (special thank you to Allston for being amazing) and began to search through the plethora of trees being offered.  This is not really the exciting part of the story, I'm just setting the scene for what's to come.  After picking out our tree we made our way over to the employees, let's call ours Bob, to pay.

Now just to paint you readers a bit more of a picture, there is a parking lot across the street from the tree place we were told to, and did, park in.  However there was a big, empty lot right next to the tree place.  Just FYI.

Bob: Ok great, where is your car?  I can carry your tree over.
Us: Oh well it's across the street, let us bring it over for you so you don't have to carry the tree too far!

It is at this point that I also must make note that Bob was about 17, 5' 7" and very skinny.  There is no way this boy is carrying our tree across the street.  Just, not happening.

Bob: Uh, well, you don't have to... *looks around awkwardly*
Us: No, it's fine!  Don't worry about it!

Dee runs off to get her car.  If you can't tell from my usage of exclamation marks, we are just trying to be nice and helpful here.  Ya know, being merry and full of Christmas joy, blah blah blah...

Us: Ok here's our car!
Bob: *begins tying it to the roof*
Owner of lot we are now parked in:  HEY, ARE YOU GOING TO PAY MY $10 PARKING FEE??!!!
Us: Wait, no, it's not his fault!  It's us!
Owner: *growls incoherently and shuts the door*
Dee: Ok I'll go talk to him real quick and tell him it was our fault.
Bob: *looks nervous and continues to tie our tree*  Ok you guys are done, you might want to get out of here...
Dee: Uh yea, time to go, the guy inside said he called the cops on us and that a tow truck is coming.
Us: AH!  Ok thanks Bob, sorry if the cops come!  *peel out of parking lot*

All we wanted was a lovely tree to liven up our apartment, and this is what we get.  Cops, tow trucks, strangers yelling at us.  BAH HUMBUG!!!

Everyone is ridiculous, including old, cranky Scrooges.

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