Friday, December 11, 2009

Really Gap? This is what we get this year?

If you are a television consumer/commercial critic (yes, that's a real thing) like I am, then every year you eagerly anticipate the return of the "Gap" holiday commercials. What classics we have seen over the years! Do you remember the "Love Train" ones? Fantastic! Catchy, great message, totally made me want to buy scarves in an unreasonably number of colors.  

Or all the ones with the celebrities?  Like the absurdly adorable John Krasinski!  


So the first time I saw this year's Gap commercial I was SORELY disappointed.  I get the concept, holiday "cheer."  It's cute, in theory.  And the commercials with the adults is OK, not great, but ok.  However, and this is a big however, the commercial with the kids makes bnoxme literally want to rip my hair out.  It's obnoxious, annoying, and sends an insanely terrible message.  Check it out:

"Hey Mom, guess what... I'm not gonna wear it any more!"  Seriously Gap?  We get messages of love before, and now that the country is in a recession and people are constantly be laid off and the economy is still in the shitter, WHY are you encouraging kids to become brats and claim that they refuse their old clothes?!  UGH.  It's painful to be.

So remember, everyone is ridiculous, including major clothing companies and their advertisements.


  1. i loveee the kids gap commercial. i think its freakin cute. stop hating.

  2. this commercial freaked me out from day one - hopefully it'll be off the air since the holidays are nearly over
