Saturday, December 26, 2009

The epic tale of "Chair of Death"

This story is one that will be passed down for generations.  It's the epic tale of what happens when you agree to play a game that boys make up when they are wasted.  NOT a good decision.  

A good friend of mine, Johannah*, made this decision about two years ago.  It was Easter weekend and she decided to stay at Penn State since it would have been too challenging to get home.  As the majority of her friends decided to go home, she ended up there for the weekend with primarily male friends.  Not that this is a bad thing in itself, but it did lead to the situation pertaining to this story.

Cut to Saturday night and the start of the alcohol consumption.  They started with a round of beer pong, quite common pre-gaming college activity, so no surprises yet.  However after beer pong they decided to move on to Soco (Southern Comfort for those of you not in the know) pong.  Already, an extremely poor decision.  Drinking games with hard liquor rarely end well.  But this specific decision did not end up with (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!) an extremely gross black eye and a concussion.

Next came the brilliant plan to play "Chair of Death."  Let me explain to you this game.  You sit in a chair that spins while holding/drinking a beer.  During this time everyone else spins you as fast as they can.  Now the main point of the game is to drink your beer and stay on the chair as long as you can, until you fall off from the spinning.  Also, you can NOT spill your beer.  Sounds like fun, right?  No, it sounds like the worst idea a group of drunk college boys have ever come up with.  And of course Johannah agreed to play.  What a trooper.

So the first round of spinning she drank, she didn't spill, she fell, everything was fine.  There was a lot of cheering and smack talk.  But let's consider her success beginners luck.  Because then she tried again and her second round did not go so smoothly.

She drank, she didn't spill, she fell... directly onto her face.  Apparently, in her drunken state, she did not realize that she hurt herself.  But once she got up off the floor, everyone else kind of freaked out.  Black eyes of this severity apparently show up pretty quickly.  And the blood vessels that she popped in her eye were pretty intense, essentially making her entire eye red.  After people ran to grab her some ice for her eye she made sure to take care of herself by going to a hospital...  oh wait, no she didn't.

It wasn't until the next day when she had a throbbing headache that she realized that maybe it would be a good idea to see a doctor.  Lo and behold, she had a concussion on top of her black eye.  So the lesson of this tale is, never, ever, EVER play a game that drunk boys make up.  It can only end in pain and gross eyes.

So remember, everyone is ridiculous, including and especially drunk boys and the girls who are friends with them.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent, the not so innocent, and myself.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. my laughing woke up my dad (im using his computer in his room - i know, im lame) oops. but still.
