Wednesday, December 9, 2009

World news, politics, and a government that makes ours look like a gay pride parade

I know this site is typically about ridiculous and funny stories regarding myself and my friends. However this is a ridiculous story of the most disturbing variety that I think it's important for people to know about.

I don't know how many of you keep up with world news, but recently Uganda has proposed a potential bill that would allow the imprisenment and death penalty for those who are gay or inflicted with AIDS. It sadly goes even further than that, according to the Associated Press (AP), "Anyone who 'aids, abets, counsels or procures another to engage of acts of homosexuality' faces seven years in prison if convicted. Landlords who rent rooms or homes to homosexuals also could get seven years and anyone with 'religious, political, economic or social authority' who fails to report anyone violating the act faces three years." That full story can be found here:

This is just absurd, disturbing, and unbelievably ridiculous. Sadly it looks like this bill will be passed. Aside from the fact that this goes against human rights in the most blatant way, this is extremely discouraging for people to get tested for AIDS, which is literally the last thing needed right now.

Don't worry, my next post will be in the light-hearted genre of ridiculous we all know and love. I just wanted to share the insanity of this story and make my readers aware of this ridiculousness that is occuring around the world at all times.

Everyone is ridiculous, including foreign government law-makers.

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