Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Boneyard

This story has been told countless times by myself, my friends, my family, my friends family and most likely complete strangers.  It's because this story is the epitome of all things good and absurd in my life.  Also I figure if I'm going to be blogging about my friends, I better start with a ridiculous story starring yours truly in all fairness.

It starts out as a completely ordinary Friday evening in January of 2008.  Myself and a few of my roommates were out looking at apartments in Allston for us to move into the following September.  After a couple of hours of being uncomfortable in other people's homes, we decided to call it a night and get some dinner.  Any of you familiar with Allston will know Soul Fire.  For those of you who do not, it is a delicious bbq joint with some incredible ribs for crazy cheap.  I highly recommend it.  

Nonetheless I get these very yummy ribs, and I per usual get way too much.  Get home, eat ribs, put leftovers in fridge, move on to the next part of the story.  Seeing as it was  Friday night, the drinking began and we eventually made our way out to a bar.  Cut to later that night, I come home and have what we affectionately refer to as "drunk-chies."  It's like getting the munchies, but when you're drunk.  Yes, I know most of you are familiar with the concept, don't deny it!  So I take my ribs and disappear into my room for the rest of the night.

The site of myself the next morning is sadly something I will never get to experience because my roommate who saw me did not take a picture.  I haven't decided if that's a good or bad thing.  The scene, as she described, was as if I killed and ate a small animal in my bed.  I was dead asleep and there was bbq sauce on my sheets, my face, the wall.  There were bones in my bed, my hair, the floor.  Additionally the TV was still on and I never took off my glasses.  So moral of the story, no matter how hungry or tired you are, never EVER forget to lock your door at night so you're roommates can't see you in such a ridiculous state.

Everyone is ridiculous, including myself.