Friday, July 16, 2010

What NOT to do if a cop is behind you.

This is another story from the Amanda* files. One night we went out to a bar, nothing too exciting to report there. It's just background information to let you all know that the next morning was a hungover/still kind of drunk morning. (I know you know what I'm talking about.)

Amanda has an exceptionally bad track record with tickets. Parking tickets, speeding tickets, whatever... she gets them more than anyone I know. So since she was having a rough morning, she was running late for class. As she was speeding along to school (per usual) she noticed a cop was following her. She panicked, thinking the cop was going to pull her over for speeding. Since she was still feeling a bit "out of it" let's say, she was also scared that if she was breathalized she would be given a DUI.

Anyone in a situation like this would get nervous, slow down, have a panic attack, etc. However most people would not pee themselves. And that is exactly what Amanda did. That's right, she peed herself.

Fortunately the cop just happened to be behind her, he wasn't following her or planning on pulling her over. So lesson learned, don't pee yourself just because a cop is behind you.

So remember, everyone is ridiculous, including scared law-breaking chicas.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent, the not so innocent, and myself.

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